Printable To Do Lists

To Do Lists

107 To Do List and Checklist templates that you can print and write on. Print as many copies as you need, forever.

A large selection of ready-made to do lists that make it easy for you to stay on-task at home, work, or anywhere. Check off items on a basic blank list, choose detailed lists with a specific purpose, or opt for a numbered list.

You won’t find these templates anywhere else on the web — my team and I made them exclusively for this site (by hand, not with AI.)

Here are the 15 most popular To Do Lists:

Colorful Weekday Weekly To Do List Portrait

Colorful Weekday Weekly To Do List Portrait

To Do List With Due Date

To Do List With Due Date

Daily Work To Do List

Daily Work To Do List

Every To Do List

Every To Do List

Cleaning Checklist

Cleaning Checklist

Goal Planner Monthly

Goal Planner Monthly

Daily To Do List

Daily To Do List

Monthly To Do List

Monthly To Do List

Today Tomorrow This Week

Today Tomorrow This Week

Delegation To Do List

Delegation To Do List

Colorful Birthday List

Colorful Birthday List

March To Do List

March To Do List

Priority Matrix

Priority Matrix

Two-Column Checklist

Two-Column Checklist

Work Goals

Work Goals

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